Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How to Determine a Legitimate Credit Repair Business?

When you decide to hire a legal credit repair company to help you get a clean slate, one must know who they’re dealing with and if they can deliver what they promised they would deliver. You don’t want to spend your hard end money with fraud companies that only talks of nice things but cannot stand by their words.

Determining a Legitimate Credit Repair Business?

1.       Check their ratings with Better Business Bureau.
2.       Check if they have an upfront payment even before work is being done.
3.       Check what they aim once you sign up but don’t go for companies offering a guarantee because it all depends on the hands of the credit report agencies.
4.       Check if they work directly with the credit report agencies and if they work with creditors as well.
5.       Check if they dispute inquiries (very difficult to remove, about a 60-70% chance of them being removed).
6.       Check if they work to correct personal information discrepancies (in some situations this can be a problem)
7.       Check if they assist clients in dealing with collection agencies.
8.       Check if theyprovide on-going education to get and keep credit in good standing (if they know how to delete the negative items on your credit reports and scores, they should know how to educate people to get a reputable credit report scores)
9.       Check their type of membership.
1          10.   Check actual testimonials from their clients.

Basically these are the things you need check to get started once you decided to hire a legal credit repair company. Be vigilant to fraudulent companies as there are many of them on the website that promises the sun, moon and stars. If you think they are too good to be true and offering guarantees to help you improve your credit report scores, you better think a million times before handing over your hard end money.

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